Both iBooks Author and iTunes Producer are free apps to download for your Mac.
I created this book, as opposed to the students, as we do can't have iBooks Author loaded onto the school laptops, as we don't use Lion operating system. Next time I am planning for the students to use the iPad Book Creator app to create their own ebooks of their realistic fiction stories. This is an easy to use app which just got even better. You can easily add text, photos and audio. Now, with the latest update, you can combine books, so children can work on different pages and then combine them together. The books can then be uploaded to iBooks at the touch of a button. You can then use iTunes Producer to upload them to the iTunes store and share them with the world. Creating ebooks is definitely the future for publishing my 4th Grade class's written projects. The hope is also to co-create books with our KG buddies in the next few months too. The only problem I foresee is that we don't have 1:1 iPads so we have to ensure that no-one deletes our books or images. To find out more about using Book Creator visit their site.